martes, 19 de abril de 2011

Constanza Santa María

Constanza Santa María is a chilean journalist.   She studied Journalism in Universidad Católica de Chile, she finished to study in 1995.She worked in channel 13. She worked in the newspaper “El Mercurio” at the section Economy until 1997. That year she returned to channel 13. In 1999 she went to The United States to do a Magister in Television Journalism. Also she worked in channel CNN in Spanish until 2001. Then, she come back to Chile. She works in Channel 13, leded programs like “Pantalla Abierta” or “Chile Debate” for example. Now, she is leds teletrece (Newscast)

One of the most important moments in her career was when she participated in a presidential debate between Bachelet and Piñera. On that occasion she demonstrated the good journalist she is.
I admire Constanza because she always  is in catastrophes, always she goes to the dangerous places. I would like to do that, for example go to Japan as she did.
And finally, I admire Constanza Santa Maria because she always do very intelligent questions. In addition because, for me, she leads very well the news. Also I like because I love the way she dresses ... I love her clothes... :)

1 comentario:

  1. Her chothes are beautiful.
    She is a good journalist. Maybe we can be like her some day :D
