martes, 19 de abril de 2011

I hate cats!!

I am not animal lover. In fact, I hate cats! It is a long history… When I was a child my family had a cat called “Tallarin”. I felt very sad, because I thought my parents loved the cat more than me. So, I was very jealous.
Today I would like to have a rabbit! But I live in a flat… so I can`t.
I love to go to zoo! Last summer I went to “Buin Zoo”, I was very happy… Also I went to Parque Metropolitano. I saw the animals boring but very healthy.
I think that the best pet is dog because it is very sweet. I would never have a dog because I am afraid that they bite me....
I think that there are dogs very dangerous… They should be banned, because they can bite the people or even kill them!
I believe that the people who dress their pets are ridiculous. I don´t understand how people sleep with their pets! That is so...

Well... that´s it. I don´t like the animals.
PD: the picture is of Tallarin (the cat)

3 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I know that. But never believe that was.... how tell...jajajjajaja.... you know. It´s so much :O
    I hate cats too, but I like the dogs.
    Your´re only in your kind.
    I love you friend :D
