martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

The "afghan girl"

I like to take photographs. I have a digital camera. In university a have a asignature “Taller de fotografia”, I like it. I am making a photographic report about Means of transport. I take photos in the subway, in the Transantiago, in metrotren…

I am sure that you know my favourite picture because it is very famous.  

My favourite photograph is the more famous front cover of the magazine “National Geographic”, because it is very expressive. When I saw this photograph I never forget it.

This enigmatic girl was a front cover of Jun 1985 in the magazine “National Geographic”

The woman in the photograph is Sharbat Gula, a afghan girl. The photographer that took this photography is Steve McCurry, a important American photographer. In 1985 he took this picture in a refugee camp in Pakistan. 

The most important of the picture is the expression in the eyes of the girl. You can see in her eyes the difficult live in hers country. 

The picture of Sharbat is a symbol of the tragedy in Afganistan. 

When this picture was took, the girls was 14 years old. Now Sharbat is 30 years old. The photographer found her and he took portraits again. Now the face of the girl is very changed and battered. But, her eyes are the same…. With the same expression.   

The girl has been called "the Gioconda of the 21ST century”. I like this picture because when I see I try to imagine what she want to tell  me. The girl is very enigmatic, With this eyes she can say so many things….
Seeing their eyes I can imagine their pain, anguish.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

 I love the horror films!

Hello my friends!

Today I am going to talk about the movies. I love to watch films. I like to go to the cinema.  Two times month I go to the cinema in Mall Plaza Vespucio. In this place, the price of the tickets is very cheap for me: only 1500! 

Keane Reeves

My favorite actor is Keane Reeves, only for his physical jajaj

My kind of movies favourite is horror films. I like films as “Exorcism” or “Psicosis”.

I buy films in the university or in the streetmarket. I have many movies in my house. Also I see films in my notebook every weekend. “Let me in” is the last movie that I saw. I like it. 

I like many movies. I think that my favourite film is “Locos de Ira”. I have seen it many times! About 10! Othe favoroute film is "Identity". But I like too, for example  “El silencio de los inocentes”, “Efecto mariposa” and “El origen del mal”.

Today I would like to recomend you a fantastic movie: Hannibal Rising (El origen del mal: Hannibal el comienzo).  This film explains the cause of the personality of Hannibal Lecter, the psychopath who eats human beings. Children of this famous character is one of the keys. It is a good film. I recomend it if you like horror films and the films of Hannibal Lecter.


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

The digital camera :)


I want tell you that I like technology. I always try to keep up with the latest technology but it is very expensive. 

I have a digital camera. I love it. I always take photographs at parties, celebrations, etc. So, the digital camera is my favourite piece of technology. This year I have a subject called “Taller de fotografia” at university. In this clase I am learning how use my digital camara. 

 The digital camera is an object that allows me to take pictures and you can see them immediately. 

I got the digital camera in 2007. My father gave it to me one day. He took me to shop to buy a digital camara and I was very surprised and very happy about it.

I love to try to take some good photographs. Every day I use it everywhere. I love to up load photographs on to facebook. I love  photography  because it shows different places and other points of view of things. 

I think that life without a digital camera would be very boring and the people would remain ignorant of many things. We know about things thanks to photography. I believe in the news when I see the photograph. 

This picture is mine. I love it, I like this photograph because it shows the beauty of photography.