martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

The digital camera :)


I want tell you that I like technology. I always try to keep up with the latest technology but it is very expensive. 

I have a digital camera. I love it. I always take photographs at parties, celebrations, etc. So, the digital camera is my favourite piece of technology. This year I have a subject called “Taller de fotografia” at university. In this clase I am learning how use my digital camara. 

 The digital camera is an object that allows me to take pictures and you can see them immediately. 

I got the digital camera in 2007. My father gave it to me one day. He took me to shop to buy a digital camara and I was very surprised and very happy about it.

I love to try to take some good photographs. Every day I use it everywhere. I love to up load photographs on to facebook. I love  photography  because it shows different places and other points of view of things. 

I think that life without a digital camera would be very boring and the people would remain ignorant of many things. We know about things thanks to photography. I believe in the news when I see the photograph. 

This picture is mine. I love it, I like this photograph because it shows the beauty of photography.

1 comentario:

  1. This photography is beautiful. You´re a great photographer :D I love the techniques that we learned the last year.
