sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

Cómo estudiar gratis en Stanford, Princeton o Berkeley

Una universidad de Estados Unidos
Mediante internet se puede acceder a un programa de estudio
LONDRES.- ¿Qué se le ocurre estudiar? ¿Fundamentos de la farmacología, mitología griega y romana, introducción a la ciencia del genoma? ¿Con quién querría estudiar las clases? ¿Profesores de la Universidad de Stanford, Princeton, Berkeley?

Pues bien, si tiene acceso a internet, todo eso lo puede hacer desde su casa gracias a un programa desarrollado en California, Estados Unidos, en colaboración con algunas de las más prestigiosas instituciones del mundo. Y es gratis.

El programa, llamado Coursera, ofrece 36 cursos diseñados por destacados catedráticos de las universidades de Pennsylvania, Michigan, además de las ya mencionadas arriba.

Puertas abiertas

Los fundadores de Coursera son Daphne Koller y Andrew Ng, profesores de informática en la Universidad de Stanford, que habían diseñado tres de sus cursos para acceso público con tanto éxito que decidieron ampliar el proyecto y llegar a una audiencia mundial.

"La educación es el gran nivelador. Da conocimiento, habilita y otorga poder a la gente", afirmó la doctora Koller a BBC Mundo. "Stanford tiene profesores espectaculares, así como otras instituciones de igual nivel y queríamos poner sus cursos al alcance de estudiantes en todo el mundo".

Michael Corry, profesor de Educación y Liderazgo Tecnológico de la Universidad George Washington (GWU), que ofrece carreras completas online, coincide en los beneficios de la educación a distancia y por internet.

"Retira los obstáculos de la educación superior, presenta oportunidades no importa dónde se esté y abre puertas que antes estaban cerradas para muchos", afirmó.

El profesor Corry resalta lo que llama la "flexibilidad estructurada" de los cursos online. Con eso quiere decir que, dentro de un marco establecido, un estudiante puede ajustar cuándo toma la clase, hace el trabajo correspondiente y los exámenes según su propia agenda.

"Eso es clave para muchos estudiantes que tienen trabajos de tiempo completo. Lo aprecian mucho", explicó.

(insertando el codigo HTML del video cambiando el tamaño)
La fundadora de Coursera Daphne Koller resaltó que no son únicamente los estudiantes los beneficiados. Las universidades y los catedráticos también aprovechan el impacto global que tienen.

"Un profesor que lleva 15 años refinando su pensamiento y el dominio que tiene sobre una materia a va sentir gran entusiasmo en poder llevar ese conocimiento a una población mucho mayor", aseguró.

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

They are talking about, but nothing changes....

Today I am going to talk about the ecology. You can know my opinion about this topic. I think that you think that I am a crazy person...

I don´t interested in eco-organisations. I prefer think  others things… for example think in the poverty, in the problem of the people. I know that the take care the planet is important.

I prefer to walk in the street. I don´t like to go in the car. I recycle the cereal boxes, I doubled and then threw away. But, I am not a green person… I don´t think in the ecology every day.

When I saw in the news the oil spill in Golfo de Mexico, I felt  sad, because it was terrible for ecology. But, I continue with my life...
When I was a child, in my school the teacher spoke about the ecology.... 

Now, I think the people think about the naturaly more than other times... It is a importan topic in this society. But I think that, the people know, talk about that, but they don´t do many things to changes the situation of the planet...

All the people talk about the situation actual, they criticize the way to do things, but nothing changes...
So I don´t like.. I don´t believe in the person who belong to environmental organizations.

So, it is my opinion

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Australia Open without Serena Williams :O

Today I am going to talk about the interest article in newspaper “The guardian”. This news is about Serena Williams, a tennis player.

Serena playing in the Open Brisbane International, an important tournament in the tennis world, She play with a Jovanoski, she to serve and she was wrong – footed, so she falling in the court. She try to stand up… but she could’t. She was helped to a courtside chair… Then she finish the match,  but the future is uncertain.

You could to saw to Serena with pain in the court. The fanatic afraid of a lession in the ankle… because this part of the body is very import for an athlete.  Serena Williams to win the match… but then she to retired of the tournament, so the future is uncertain.

Maybe Serena Williams will not to be in the first Grand Slam in 2012: Open Australia. She won this competition in many times. The AO start in 16 January in Melbourne. In other times, she did not play because the injuries. In fact, she could´t to play the Australia Open 2011. Because of that, on Wednesday she afraid the same thing again…she don´t want to miss the Grand Slam again…

This tennis player is 30 years old. She don´t think to play with pain, because it is very dangerous for health.  She will decide the next day… Now she is thinking about that.

This news is very interest for me. I don´t like Serena Williams, but is important to know if she will or won´t the Australia Open. 

So, bye!

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Last night I dreamt....

Today I am going to talk about the dreams. Last night I dreamt that I went to the dentist and I was very scary. In the real life I like to go to the dentist, but in the dreams I was suffering with the situation. The dentist pulled out a tooth... the people said that it is a predictions about the death of a family. Sometimes, I believe in the dreams who messages... like advertencies... 

Before I remembered the dreams… but now I only remember the special dreams, like a terror dreams. A day, a person said to me that I should to write the dreams in the morning for forgotten soon the dreams. Since this moment I do that.

I always dreams in color…. But sometimes I saw to me like 3 persons… I don´t know why…
When I was a child I dreamt that I was inside of a whale… I always remember this dream. I don´t have recurring dreams.

I like to listening dreams of the others persons…  
I hate when the people wake up to me when I have an interest dreams.


miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Spain :)

I like go to Spain, because I like this country... I don`t know  why… I would like to go to the beach and I want go to Palma de Mallorca, a island very beautiful.

I would like go to the stadium Bernabeu or Camp Nou… I would like go to  see a match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. I hope to win Real Madrid. J
Also, I would like to work in the newspaper “Marca” or “As”. In Spain there are many medios about sports. So, it is good for me.  I would like to study a magister in Spain about sports journalism.

I would like to work in “Marca”. So, I would like to live in Spain… I think in Madrid, or Mallorca.
I think that the people of Spain are very nice… Also there talk the same language: Spanish … So… bye bye English …

I would like to go to the famous ritual: “La tomatina” in Valencia. The people throw tomatoes…. Very nice! Also I would like go to the party of “San Fermin”… I am afraid torus.. but this party is so amazing.. I like to stay in a window and see the situation since above there.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

I like the TV

I always watch TV. Every day when I wake up I turn on the television.
I like many channels. My favorite channel is ESPN, because I love sports, principally I like tennis.
I also like the news channel, specially CNN Chile. I like watching the program “agenda económica”.

I like to watch Chilean TV, for example I am a big fans of  Canal 13, because  I love the matinal “Bienvenidos”. This program is very good… I loved the program “En su propia trampa”
On the other hand, I like to watch foreign channels, for example I love the documentaries of the History Channel.
But also, I like to watch light and relax shows… for example "Perla" or series TV (Dexter, Friends)

I love (really love) to watch reality shows… In chilean TV I think that the best reality show ever is: “La Granja” I liked the fact that Gonzalo Egas won. I liked the “Protagonistas de la fama” too. 

I like the movies. I go to the cinema once a month. But I watch films every weekend in my notebook. I prefer terror films… I love that kind of movies. Also, I buy movies in the street…

The best film that I have watched is… oh! It is so difficult to choose one. 

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

In class with sun..

It is me again! Today, I am talking about this especial term. I think that this term will be very strange.
I was very angry with be on strike… I wanted class, but my university was empty.  Now I feel good with the class, and I feel indifferent with the movimiento, I don´t mind…
I hate the idea of studing in summer… I hate to stay in class with the sun… I would like to go to beach or stay in my house with my family.
This year my parents arrive to Santiago… I am very happy for that.. but I think that I can´t study much… because my father will want to watch TV with a high volume…. So, It  will be difficult.
We have to study in the pastos with sun
This term I take five subjets… I like “Proceso de Investigación” because the topic is very interested for me. Also, the teacher is very good for explain…
In “Estudios Culturales” I like the material… but I don´t like the way the teacher plays… I like she… but She is very slow for explain.  In “Taller de Narrativa Audivisual” the teacher talk about his life… I don´t like that… especially if the material is very interested.
My horary is amazing. I don´t have class the Friday J. In the last year I stayed in the university all day… And now I have more free time.
I can´t believe that this term will be 3 month…. It is very short. I am worried that I can´t learn very well the material… especially in Periodismo Televisivo, because we don´t have very much time for practice… and it is very important for ours. So, I don´t like to have class in summer.