miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Last night I dreamt....

Today I am going to talk about the dreams. Last night I dreamt that I went to the dentist and I was very scary. In the real life I like to go to the dentist, but in the dreams I was suffering with the situation. The dentist pulled out a tooth... the people said that it is a predictions about the death of a family. Sometimes, I believe in the dreams who messages... like advertencies... 

Before I remembered the dreams… but now I only remember the special dreams, like a terror dreams. A day, a person said to me that I should to write the dreams in the morning for forgotten soon the dreams. Since this moment I do that.

I always dreams in color…. But sometimes I saw to me like 3 persons… I don´t know why…
When I was a child I dreamt that I was inside of a whale… I always remember this dream. I don´t have recurring dreams.

I like to listening dreams of the others persons…  
I hate when the people wake up to me when I have an interest dreams.


miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2011

Spain :)

I like go to Spain, because I like this country... I don`t know  why… I would like to go to the beach and I want go to Palma de Mallorca, a island very beautiful.

I would like go to the stadium Bernabeu or Camp Nou… I would like go to  see a match between Real Madrid and Barcelona. I hope to win Real Madrid. J
Also, I would like to work in the newspaper “Marca” or “As”. In Spain there are many medios about sports. So, it is good for me.  I would like to study a magister in Spain about sports journalism.

I would like to work in “Marca”. So, I would like to live in Spain… I think in Madrid, or Mallorca.
I think that the people of Spain are very nice… Also there talk the same language: Spanish … So… bye bye English …

I would like to go to the famous ritual: “La tomatina” in Valencia. The people throw tomatoes…. Very nice! Also I would like go to the party of “San Fermin”… I am afraid torus.. but this party is so amazing.. I like to stay in a window and see the situation since above there.

miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

I like the TV

I always watch TV. Every day when I wake up I turn on the television.
I like many channels. My favorite channel is ESPN, because I love sports, principally I like tennis.
I also like the news channel, specially CNN Chile. I like watching the program “agenda económica”.

I like to watch Chilean TV, for example I am a big fans of  Canal 13, because  I love the matinal “Bienvenidos”. This program is very good… I loved the program “En su propia trampa”
On the other hand, I like to watch foreign channels, for example I love the documentaries of the History Channel.
But also, I like to watch light and relax shows… for example "Perla" or series TV (Dexter, Friends)

I love (really love) to watch reality shows… In chilean TV I think that the best reality show ever is: “La Granja” I liked the fact that Gonzalo Egas won. I liked the “Protagonistas de la fama” too. 

I like the movies. I go to the cinema once a month. But I watch films every weekend in my notebook. I prefer terror films… I love that kind of movies. Also, I buy movies in the street…

The best film that I have watched is… oh! It is so difficult to choose one. 

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

In class with sun..

It is me again! Today, I am talking about this especial term. I think that this term will be very strange.
I was very angry with be on strike… I wanted class, but my university was empty.  Now I feel good with the class, and I feel indifferent with the movimiento, I don´t mind…
I hate the idea of studing in summer… I hate to stay in class with the sun… I would like to go to beach or stay in my house with my family.
This year my parents arrive to Santiago… I am very happy for that.. but I think that I can´t study much… because my father will want to watch TV with a high volume…. So, It  will be difficult.
We have to study in the pastos with sun
This term I take five subjets… I like “Proceso de Investigación” because the topic is very interested for me. Also, the teacher is very good for explain…
In “Estudios Culturales” I like the material… but I don´t like the way the teacher plays… I like she… but She is very slow for explain.  In “Taller de Narrativa Audivisual” the teacher talk about his life… I don´t like that… especially if the material is very interested.
My horary is amazing. I don´t have class the Friday J. In the last year I stayed in the university all day… And now I have more free time.
I can´t believe that this term will be 3 month…. It is very short. I am worried that I can´t learn very well the material… especially in Periodismo Televisivo, because we don´t have very much time for practice… and it is very important for ours. So, I don´t like to have class in summer.

martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011

I am...


I am Laura Muñoz. I am study journalism.
When I was child I never think what I want to do in the future. I just lived the moment… In the high school I like everything… all the asignature, less chimical…. In the last year I decided study journalism… Today I love this career… J

I don´t have a nickname… My friends just call me laura or lauriss
I like people who are positive, I hate the people complain all the time…

I have some pet peeves, for example… I hate to see in the kitchen used phosphorus, I don´t know why….

I love the tennis. So, I watch in TV every tournament… For that I would like to travel to Europe, especially Spain.. I love this country. My dream is live there someday.

When I finish my studies I would like to work in the some newspaper, like “La Tercera” or “El Mercurio”.

I see you J

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

My other passion: the books!

I tell you that I love the tennis. Today I am going to talk about my other passion: the books!
When I was a child I read all the books that were in my house. Even I read the books of my old sister. In holidays I love read the books.
I read book all the time. For the university, I try to read books about the topic of the any subject. If I like a text, I search the book complete and I read it.
For “Día del niño” I always asked a book, for example, a book of Harry Potter. I read the 7 books :D Whit this data, you can think that I prefer fiction, but no. I like all the books… In fact, I love the books about the real cases. In general I prefer books about a famous cases. For example a few weeks ago I read “La masacre de Virginia Tech”, this books talks about the massive murder that happened on April 16, 2007 in the Technical Institute and State University of Virginia (call only “Virginia Tech”), in Blacksburg, Virginia, in The United States. In the incident 33 persons died, including the only author who initiated the gunfire (Cho Seung-hie), and 29 persons were hurt. It is the worst assault to a university in the history of The United States.
One of my favorite books is "La sociedad de la nieve ", text where 16 survivors of the flight that smashed in the Cordillera de los Andes in 1972, talk about that. They speak after years and they tell their experience. They should eat the bodies of the persons dead in the impact of the fall!
My favorite writer is Mario Vargas Llosa. “La ciudad y los perros” is the best book for me. I love this book! My favorite character is “Jaguar”, one personaje of this book, because it is so real!
One of the last books that I read was "Las hijas del frío" a police novel, where it was necessary to discover the assassin. I like this type of books very much. I enjoy read every page. I read in a week, because I had to read others books for the university.
So, I love the books!

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

The "afghan girl"

I like to take photographs. I have a digital camera. In university a have a asignature “Taller de fotografia”, I like it. I am making a photographic report about Means of transport. I take photos in the subway, in the Transantiago, in metrotren…

I am sure that you know my favourite picture because it is very famous.  

My favourite photograph is the more famous front cover of the magazine “National Geographic”, because it is very expressive. When I saw this photograph I never forget it.

This enigmatic girl was a front cover of Jun 1985 in the magazine “National Geographic”

The woman in the photograph is Sharbat Gula, a afghan girl. The photographer that took this photography is Steve McCurry, a important American photographer. In 1985 he took this picture in a refugee camp in Pakistan. 

The most important of the picture is the expression in the eyes of the girl. You can see in her eyes the difficult live in hers country. 

The picture of Sharbat is a symbol of the tragedy in Afganistan. 

When this picture was took, the girls was 14 years old. Now Sharbat is 30 years old. The photographer found her and he took portraits again. Now the face of the girl is very changed and battered. But, her eyes are the same…. With the same expression.   

The girl has been called "the Gioconda of the 21ST century”. I like this picture because when I see I try to imagine what she want to tell  me. The girl is very enigmatic, With this eyes she can say so many things….
Seeing their eyes I can imagine their pain, anguish.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

 I love the horror films!

Hello my friends!

Today I am going to talk about the movies. I love to watch films. I like to go to the cinema.  Two times month I go to the cinema in Mall Plaza Vespucio. In this place, the price of the tickets is very cheap for me: only 1500! 

Keane Reeves

My favorite actor is Keane Reeves, only for his physical jajaj

My kind of movies favourite is horror films. I like films as “Exorcism” or “Psicosis”.

I buy films in the university or in the streetmarket. I have many movies in my house. Also I see films in my notebook every weekend. “Let me in” is the last movie that I saw. I like it. 

I like many movies. I think that my favourite film is “Locos de Ira”. I have seen it many times! About 10! Othe favoroute film is "Identity". But I like too, for example  “El silencio de los inocentes”, “Efecto mariposa” and “El origen del mal”.

Today I would like to recomend you a fantastic movie: Hannibal Rising (El origen del mal: Hannibal el comienzo).  This film explains the cause of the personality of Hannibal Lecter, the psychopath who eats human beings. Children of this famous character is one of the keys. It is a good film. I recomend it if you like horror films and the films of Hannibal Lecter.


martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

The digital camera :)


I want tell you that I like technology. I always try to keep up with the latest technology but it is very expensive. 

I have a digital camera. I love it. I always take photographs at parties, celebrations, etc. So, the digital camera is my favourite piece of technology. This year I have a subject called “Taller de fotografia” at university. In this clase I am learning how use my digital camara. 

 The digital camera is an object that allows me to take pictures and you can see them immediately. 

I got the digital camera in 2007. My father gave it to me one day. He took me to shop to buy a digital camara and I was very surprised and very happy about it.

I love to try to take some good photographs. Every day I use it everywhere. I love to up load photographs on to facebook. I love  photography  because it shows different places and other points of view of things. 

I think that life without a digital camera would be very boring and the people would remain ignorant of many things. We know about things thanks to photography. I believe in the news when I see the photograph. 

This picture is mine. I love it, I like this photograph because it shows the beauty of photography.

martes, 19 de abril de 2011

I hate cats!!

I am not animal lover. In fact, I hate cats! It is a long history… When I was a child my family had a cat called “Tallarin”. I felt very sad, because I thought my parents loved the cat more than me. So, I was very jealous.
Today I would like to have a rabbit! But I live in a flat… so I can`t.
I love to go to zoo! Last summer I went to “Buin Zoo”, I was very happy… Also I went to Parque Metropolitano. I saw the animals boring but very healthy.
I think that the best pet is dog because it is very sweet. I would never have a dog because I am afraid that they bite me....
I think that there are dogs very dangerous… They should be banned, because they can bite the people or even kill them!
I believe that the people who dress their pets are ridiculous. I don´t understand how people sleep with their pets! That is so...

Well... that´s it. I don´t like the animals.
PD: the picture is of Tallarin (the cat)

Constanza Santa María

Constanza Santa María is a chilean journalist.   She studied Journalism in Universidad Católica de Chile, she finished to study in 1995.She worked in channel 13. She worked in the newspaper “El Mercurio” at the section Economy until 1997. That year she returned to channel 13. In 1999 she went to The United States to do a Magister in Television Journalism. Also she worked in channel CNN in Spanish until 2001. Then, she come back to Chile. She works in Channel 13, leded programs like “Pantalla Abierta” or “Chile Debate” for example. Now, she is leds teletrece (Newscast)

One of the most important moments in her career was when she participated in a presidential debate between Bachelet and Piñera. On that occasion she demonstrated the good journalist she is.
I admire Constanza because she always  is in catastrophes, always she goes to the dangerous places. I would like to do that, for example go to Japan as she did.
And finally, I admire Constanza Santa Maria because she always do very intelligent questions. In addition because, for me, she leads very well the news. Also I like because I love the way she dresses ... I love her clothes... :)

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

The music makes me feel alive!

Hello everybody!
Today I invite you to think about the importance of music in yours lives… I will tell you my experience.
I my case, I listen to the music to relax me. So, in my life the music is important because I need a rest! I like the music because it makes me feel well, relaxed. In addition because the lyrics makes me think. The music makes me feel alive!!!
When I am in my house I like to listen to the romantic music. But, when I am in the disco I like the reggaeton for dancing. I don’t like the rock, because I think that this kind of music is very sad (the lyrics are very sad). Also, because I don´t like the strong sounds…
My favorite singer is Alejandro Sanz, but I like very much Ricardo Arjona. I like this singers because I love the lyrics of their songs… I feel identifide with some of them. But no matter how I like them, I never go to their concerts, because the tickets are very expensive for me.
I listen to music in the radio, but I have a music collection. I download music when there are songs very nice for me. I don´t buy CDs because I never like the all songs of the CDs… so I prefer download of the internet…
I don´t sing… my voice is horrible! Only in my mind I sing ajjajaja.. Because of that I don´t like karaoke…

Finally I think that the music is very important for the people.

About me :)

Hi! My name is Laura Muñoz. I was born in Punta Arenas, but now I live in Santiago with my old sister. I am twenty years old.  I study Journalism at University of Chile. I love the sports, my favorite is tennis. My favorite tennis player is Rafael Nadal. I like to read books and go to the cinema.  My dream is work in the newspaper “La Tercera” at the section Sports.
With this blog I hope to learn english with my classmates.